特性級別 | 高圄沖 |
牌號 | inp338t |
加工級別 | 注墮級 |
廠家(產(chǎn)地) | 美國 |
用途級別 | 汽車部件 |
沖擊改性ABS inp338t
沖擊改性ABS inp338t
SABIC INP338 is an ultra high rubber ABS impact
modifier resin, and is based on polybutadiene rubber.
Offers superior impact efficiency, especially at low
temperatures. Reduces notch sensitivity when alloyed
with engineering polymers. Disperses easily. Provides
abrasion and chemical resistance to polymers. Provides
toughness to PVC sheet, profile, electrical conduit and
injection molded applications. Increases the impact
strength of recycle PVC and other recyclates. Can be
blended with polyurethanes and other polymers for
improved performance and economics. Can be used
to improve the impact performance of PC, polyesters,
and CPVC.
ABS INP108樹脂高抗沖